On Wednesday of this past week, we had a Thanksgiving fiesta with our kids despite the fact that they do not celebrate it here in November like we do. We thought it would be fun to share about it and have the kids think about what they are grateful for in their lives. After one kid said his family, the rest of them said the same thing :). Memo's answer was awesome: "I am thankful for my mom and my son (10 seconds later)...I mean my little brother." After this, the kids made a turkey craft where they cut out a million parts to color and glue, "me duele" came out of many of their mouths from the cutting. I thought it was pretty funny. For math, they all had to answer addition problems through competition, and if they got the problem right, they won their turkey dessert for the fiesta. Of course, they eventually all won so after lunch we put up balloons, handed out party hats, and played some games...musical chairs and freeze dance. To receive their dessert, they also had to answer the fastest, "Como se llama mi papa?" "Lyle!!" The best part was Franchesca and Yulena wearing their best dresses. That is one of my favorite things about letting the kids wear what they want on fiesta days. I love seeing what dresses the girls come in. Can't wait to see more for the Navidad fiesta.

this makes me smile :)