This past Friday I woke up and was ready to accomplish everything I needed to in getting settled in my apartment...changing rooms to Ashley's old room. I knew a full day of putting myself to the task would be enough. Lil did I know my neighbors Merlin (Johan's brother) and Ada were going to call my name and ask me to hang out every 2 seconds. I would hear my name being called by them, then walk across the street to Ada's house, and they would start talking about something random. I would politely laugh and walk back to my apartment. Then a knock on my door and them asking, "What are you eating for lunch? Do you want rice, beans, and chicken? We will take the chicken off the bone." "Ok, si, yo puedo comer con ustedes." We eat lunch, and then they ask me to play dominoes. I play dominoes, beat them pretty bad, and get away quickly so I can finish my new room. Hour later. Merlin yells my name and asks me to come to the beach down the road with them. "No Merlin I can't come." "Yes you have to." "No I can't." "We are really mad at you." "Ok fine I will come." I went to the beach, and it was actually really fun. No one was there but us, and we just chilled in the water for an hour and went home.
Now here is where I get to the point...
Ada: Kendall, did you know I talked to Robin before she left?
Me: Yes Ada.
Ada: She said we have to take care of you.
Merlin: Yes, we have to take care of you.
I laughed to myself and realized why the day had gone the way it had. That is one of the mannny reasons why I love my neighbors :)

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