The same week I found out Weeson and Marleini left, I found out that one of our teachers, Cristina, who is Dominican, was moving at the end of the week to Santo Domingo and would be no longer working with us. I have been working with Cristina for the past year, and she is amazing. Despite the fact that we do not speak the same language, we still built a relationship and worked so well together. Somehow she just got me, and I understood her. It was sad to see her leave, but I know the Lord has amazing plans for her. She is one of the strongest women who is more passionate about the Lord than any other person I know. I cannot wait to hear what the Lord has planned for her next...on that note, because she left, my job has changed. Obviously we had to fill her spot as a teacher so her kids could keep coming to school. The teaching staff got together, and in the end, we decided that Johan would take her place as the new teacher, and I would co-teach with him. We sat in Cristina's class together on the last day to watch her style of teaching but really just had a day o' fun. I mean come on now it was Valentine's party day. So there you go! I get to co-teach with mi hermanito. So far it has been nice, and I haven't killed Johan yet...well at least not yet :). The picture above is a picture of me, Cristina, and Johan, and below is her class we are taking over.

As a side note, one of my favorite things about working at the school is when you have breakthroughs with kids. Some kids you can tell need space and time to warm up to you so you give them that space, and then one day they all of a sudden smile at you, say your name, and give you a hug...or a Valentine in my case (or maybe four). Not only do I love the breakthroughs, I also love building on my other relationships like with one of my favs Memo. He called me his hermanita, which means his little sister. Let's just say it made my day for sure. Love that boy.

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