As I sit here writing this I think of the blog from my birthday, the blog where I found Weeson at the soccer game, and when I found out he lived with a voodoo witch doctor, when he had impetigo, and when I cried and prayed for the Lord to guide my steps because I knew He was calling me to do something, but I did not even know where to begin...and during my first week back from Christmas break, I finished my last step (well at least for now!).
I got back to the DR and went with Robin to visit Chichigua last Tuesday. While we were sitting there, we found out that Magi, Weeson's mom, had moved back to Chigs, so we went and sat in her house. I straight up asked her when she was going to bring Weeson and Marleini back to live with her, with the help of Robin translating, and said I wanted them to come back to school. She told me that once she had money for transportation, she would go get them. Of course I thought this would never happened so we told her we would come get her sometime during the week and go get them. I did not get excited at the thought because I know how flaky Magi can be and knew it was something I had to see to believe. It has been raining here constantly except for two days, which made it impossible for me to take Magi, so I continued to pray for peace and patience and to just wait for the Lord's timing. Friday rolled around, and an hour before school ended, I realized it had not rained all morning, and the Holy Spirit moved within me to say alright Kendall, it is time. I went to Chichigua with the Chigs' kids and Johan to grab Magi. We came back with her to Montellano, and Ashley drove us four to Caraballo to grab Weeson and Marleini. After many goodbye's and my last time to look at the voodoo shack with all its weird paintings, Magi, Weeson, Marleini, and I sat in the back seat together. For the first time in a long time, I felt a peace within me for my lil baby Weeson. Magi was smiling, the kids were laughing, and they were going home to be with their mama. Ashley put on a cd, and at one point, I was singing to Mariah Carey. I look over, and all three of them were smiling at me and started laughing (I always say that when I sing in front of people, it is a compliment, because that is when I feel most comfortable). We got to Chigs, dropped them off, and immediately kids were running up yelling their names and were so happy to see them. I gave Magi some clothes for the kids and a few apples...and well, there you go! "A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn, and a time to dance."
Yesterday was Weeson and Marleini's first day back at school, and it was so great to see them in their lil uniforms back with their friends. Marleini was just as sassy as before, and Weeson hoped right back in to being as cute as possible...ok cheesy I know, but he really is sooo precious!
Side notes:
1) I went to the beach on Saturday, and while I was laying out, a monkey crawled on my chair and on my leg. say what...ok ok I won't pretend like it is that cool here that monkeys are all around. It was one of those tourist things where they let you take a pic with an animal, and the guy came behind me and placed the monkey on my leg.
2 ) I was sitting on my futon, when it started shaking back and forth. My first reaction was "there is an animal under it." I know, I am so weird. Then I looked over at Cara, and she goes, "Um, I think it's an earthquake." I looked at other objects around and noticed them moving also. My first earthquake! Crazy. As you have probably already read, it was a 7 or more in Haiti, so please pray for the Haitian men, women, and children who were probably affected by the earthquake.
What a great story and testimony of God's timing for you to have those adorable babies back! I am proud of you, Kendall. Love, Madre