Month and a half...craziness. The time is flying by! In less than two months I will be home for Easter for a week, and it will be such a weird feeling. Thus far, I have really enjoyed being in the DR and have loved seeing the process God took me through to get here, showing me why I am suppose to be here, and now seeing what He is doing through me. It really has been a humbling process seeing how much I did not depend on God before now and understanding how much I need to let go and let Him handle. He is amazing!
Like I said in a previous blog, the rain never stops. For awhile it was as if we had one big rain cloud that never wanted to go away. The smart person I was before I left (insert sarcasm) packed the day before and did not think it was necessary to search around for a raincoat. I packed my sombrilla I got in my stocking from Papa Lyle for Christmas, and that was it. (ps I had the coolest umbrella when I was little. It was a yellow taxi umbrella with a clear rectangle on one part to look through and a fake windshield wiper...awesome). Anyways, I went to Santiago Tuesday to help Sharla before she went back to Austin and left my umbrella in the taxi. smooth. Wednesday I woke up immediately realizing my misfortune, and my first thought was, well how about a trashbag :). Luckily, my roomie Katy had a poncho she let me borrow that looks like a clear trashbag, hence the picture above. I told a dear friend I would take a picture so there it is for the world to see. Thankfully, you can still see my rockin outfit for school so the poncho turned out to be very fashionable. In addition the sun finally came out for us chicas on Thursday, yay!
Thursday at school Ashley had her students make Valentines for our class and all the staff. I was standing in my classroom when all of a sudden Memo handed me a piece of paper. It was the cutest lil Valentine. Folks, I have myself a Valentine, so no worries and sorry to all those boys who wanted that chance. A Haitian boy about five years old who is precious beat you to the punch.
FYI, Friday I had my first music lesson with Robin. It was super basic but great. She taught me about notes, where the notes go, A-G, where they are on the piano, and about sharps and flats. My homework is to memorize where each note is on the staff lines/spaces. I have not had homework since fall '07, but at least this is interesting :).
Dia de San Valentin. Not going to lie, it started out pretty rough (and not because I am single :) haha). This week had its ups and downs, but this morning in particular was not my finest for personal reasons, in other words, I need lots of prayers from you guys. I know that is not specific at all, but the Lord knows what's on my heart, and that is all that is needed. Well anyways, Anne came over and offered me and Katy a ride to the beach. We were going to go to the usual Cabarete, but she suggested Sosua instead. Um, it was absolutely wonderful! The beach was more private and clean, and it had the most beautiful view of the Lost mountain wayyy in the distance. In addition, we ate some yummy chicken fajitas for lunch. At four we headed home to make an attempt at making queso, guac, and margs. While we made all this, we had a mini dance partay. I miss those very, very much. All that to say, my day ended up being one of the best Valentine's eva, well besides last year when Mary and I scarfed down a whole pizza by ourselves along with our students' candy valentines and watched Lost. As you can see, February 14th is a thrilling holiday for me every year without a doubt.
So I know I post my prayer requests on here quite frequently, but at the same time, I would love to hear what you are in need of in your life. If you have any particular prayer requests, I would love to hear from you and pray for you. Email me anytime you like (even if it is just to let me know how you are doing)!
ps Read Isaiah 40! This passage in the Bible is truly amazing and humbling. The fact that I even doubt God at times is crazy to think about after I read this chapter. This is probably one of the coolest passages I have ever read. Ok I'll stop...but really go read it.
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